September Update

August and early September have seen very uncharacteristic rains for our part of the state. Not complaining mind you, but it has affected training quite a bit. Early mornings are about the only time available that is not overly-sweltering in the humidity. Mid-days are brutal and my barn does not have enough room for decent training. But, we do what we can when the weather allows.

As the little bulls have developed, their unique characteristics have come forth as well as their physical development. I have updated some of the individual animal pages with more info so please check those out. Roscoe's page in particularly interesting. He is sold and his new owners have been kind enough to send some progress photos.

I'll be having the vet out late this month to palpate the cows. Anyone not pregnant will be placed back with a bull for fall breeding. Hopefully the weather moderates soon so breeding can be successful.

The pastures are greening well with ample rain but some damage from the fall army worms is evident. Oh well, is part the nature of things. Thankfully, the Tifton 85 in my pastures is not quite as vulnerable as is the coastal and common varieties.

The Heart of Texas Fair begins in early October and I will be showing (6th - 8th) two of the bulls and one of my heifers. I am showing Handsome Jack and Disco Joe in the bull class and Allie in the heifer. Allie is not for sale but I want to see how see how she judges. I may not be able to show Joe since he is in the same ring as Jack. If I can't find someone to help me, I'll just have to scratch him. At least he'll get some training and exposure; perhaps sold at the show.